30 Days In September by a famous Indian playwright, Mahesh Dattani is a rare attempt at addressing and confronting the problem of Child Sexual Abuse---through the medium of theatre. This play is commissioned by RAHI (Recovery And Healing from Incest) and I found out that it has had over 100 shows staged in India and abroad. Dr.Edwin in the class just now, told us that the play also has been staged in Malaysia for quite some time ago. How I wish to watch it!! I love the ways the play is presented; such a smart and well turned-out stage directions. The issue being concentrated on is serious, powerful and matured which has been a common thing happened not only in India but also in Malaysia and other countries all around the world. The play endeavours to lift the veil of silence which surrounds child sexual abuse as what is portrayed through Mala and Shanta. In the real world, whether we realise or not there are very big number of children being sexually abused at any points of time. The play tries to bring the message that the children feel confused by the betrayal of trust of people they know and that the process of healing and recovering is very much painful and slow. The actions of the abuser leaves a seal of silence in which the victims would suffer mutely. In a nutshell, I think the best way families and friends can help is by listening and taking time to educate the children. Overall, Dattani’s idea to tackle the issue of Child Sexual Abuse is tremendous.
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